Thursday, 9 February 2012


You should choose me because I'm really enthusiastic and creative. Throughout my time at college I've had the chance to find out which areas of art and design I enjoy and I'd love to further develop my skills in those areas.
Now that I'm doing what I enjoy i'm much more motivated.
I did Textiles in high school but I didn't enjoy because it wasn't very challenging. At college, I've learned lots of new textiles techniques such as sculptural textiles, feltmaking and free embroidery and I really enjoy being able to combine all this in my projects. I've even learned to knit!
Three Dimensional Design is something I've not had alot of experience with, I've only really done it in my current project but I love my out comes so far and I'm putting loads of extra time into my work because its something I'm excited to do.

Both of these images are from my Narrative Image Making project where I tried to show a day in my life.
Top image- I tried out all different techniques on this image to see which was most effective ( mono print, stitch, water colour + photoshop) 
Bottom image- This is one of my final sheets, made to look like a comic strip using all the same techniques as the top image. 

Images from my current Design Crafts project which is still being further developed.
Felted bowls- can be quite time consuming but I like the outcomes
-trying different shapes, sizes and colours.
Flat Felt- combined different strings + threads into it to create a design on the felt.
Knitting sample- basic knit stitch but I can now combine knit and purl stitches and make different shapes and patterns.
press moulded stoneware clay bowl + slab-formed pot with sgraffito decorations (my favorite outcome so far because i like all the detail on it )
Copper - texture done by annealing and using a rolling mill
key ring- texture created by annealing and using the rolling mill and making jump rings and soldering them together to make the chain. 
Little porcelain box- using a wooden tool and slip to create texture.
Graphics project
- developed different designs with different colours using onomatopoeia to see which produced the best outcomes.
- done using screen print and photoshop.

Surface pattern project.
Tested out designs on both wood and in ceramics.

Picture one- drawing without looking, produces a strange but effective image.
Picture two- drawing of myself with no face to give an air of mystery
Picture three- intaglio print.
Picture four - collograph print

This work was from a live brief for the Bridge College and my work is currently on display at Openshaw campus for a royal visit from Prince Andrew.

left images are done on a large piece of vanishing fabric and free embroidery on the sewing machine, using different colour threads, bits of material and angelina hair.

Made using a long stick and ink, a very effective technique because the stick was hard to control and allowed me to draw more freely.

Life drawing images using different techniques.
1st image shows movement.
2nd image shows my skills in proportion and measurement.
3rd image done without looking producing a loose free drawing.
Bottom images done with pastels, chalk and charcoal showing form and structure.

This image is from my first project, Cultural Journeys 
You can see all the samples I did to test colour and how I tested the boat on the background so I could develop it to an effective outcome. 
-done using lino print.

 This is the end of my UCAS blog

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